
Showing posts from May, 2023

How does CRM Fit into the Sales Funnel?

  When a prospect becomes aware they want a product or service , their buyer's journey begins. As they move towards purchase, they travel through various stages of their buyer's journey. Many potential customers have already been lost at multiple funnel stages when they purchase your product. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) are a powerful tool that helps businesses manage customer data and improve communication with potential and existing customers. But how exactly does it fit into the sales funnel? Here is how CRMs can help sales teams to optimise their processes at each stage of the sales funnel:   1.        Awareness Stage The awareness stage is the first sales funnel stage, where potential customers become aware of your product or service. They might come across your business through advertising, social media, or search engine results. At this stage, a CRM can track website visitors, lead capture forms, and other interactions with potential customers. A CRM